Wednesday, October 31, 2012

PicBoWriMo round 2

It's that time again ... today is Halloween. That means tomorrow is November. And for writers November is NaNoWriMo! However, I am not a novel writer; I write picture books, so for me it is PicBoWriMo. It's not national, but it's my way of bonding with other writers out there. Let's be honest, I kinda suck at this whole blog thing and truth be told I've dropped the ball on my writing, as well.But lately, while at work, ideas have been jumping into my head. Perhaps that is my subconcious trying to send me a message. So, I've got a new notebook, new ideas, and tomorrow I  put them together and set free my imprisoned writer. Yea!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Catching Up

     I have been really loving reading lately. Just finished Divergent by Veronica Roth last night: not a kid's book. I am very much into dystopias right now. There is just something about the uncertainty and the chaos; societies of seemingly perfect order and total control masking corrupt leaders. It's addicting.
What can I say? I love the intense build ups and crazy rebels who fight for freedom. Like I said: Addicting.
     As a catch up ... still not pregnant, but happy where we are and headed to our 4th anniversary trip next week. And I am soon to graduate from my children's writing school. Hopefully by the last assignment I should be ready to be published ... somewhere. Won't that be exciting?!