Tuesday, October 11, 2011

NaNoWriMo = PiBoIdMo

     Every November novel writers take on the challenge of writing a 50,000 word novel from scratch starting on the 1st and finishing by midnight on the 30th. If you have the discipline and determination. It pushes them to take a kamikazee approach; take an idea and run with it without inhibition. It gives no time to over think your writing and second guess yourself.
    However, I write picture books. My books are 500-1,000 words and 32 pages long. So, I was looking for alternatives last year per a friend's advice in my writing group and we found one: National Picture Book Idea Month.  It started 2008. I started last year. Instead of us writing a novel we take the 30 days and generate a new idea every day. Some will stink and some, hopefully will be awesome! Some days we may only have a title and others we may write the entire story. Either way by the end of the month ... 30 new options. Which means: Yea!
    So, awesome. I did it last year and it worked out really well for me. So, I'm doing it again come November. I think it's just what I need to give myself a good swift kick in the butt and get back to writing again.


  1. I am actually really looking forward to NaNoWriMo. I have a very rough plan and am trying not to think too much on it. I can't wait to hear what ideas you come up with this time around. You have the harder end of the deal. I would much rather write 50,000 words on one idea than come up with 30 new ideas. Shiver. Hurts my brain. Best of luck.

  2. Good luck it sounds like a great way to get going :)
